We’ve neglected to post as time keeps slipping away. So picking up from this Memorial Day weekend’s Rhode Island shows, ‘ LUCKY’JAX WINS 2 BOS and Selects and TINO a BOV and Select! This now has JAX earning a new title – GRAND CHAMPION BRONZE CHAMPION SETTE’S LUCKY JAX and TINO as well (following closely) is now Bronze.
Both boys will participate in Westminster next month!

Pictured above is new AKC
GCHB CH SETTE’S LUCKY JAX with owner Robert Thompson

Several of our dog’s have had continued success!  Along with many other wins, just last weekend in our home town of Oyster Bay on Long Island, we had a great time!

Our Bred-by JAX (a LUCKY boy owned by Bob & Joanie) and TINO (a LUCKY grandson/photo below) co-bred and owned by Maria, won BOV’S and Select points; these along with several other wins the past few months.

We also re-introduced LUCKY girl LISSI – SETTE’S DEJA VU BELLISSIMA FORTUNATA, now shown by Kim Calvacca.
LISSI took home some ribbons and looked pretty fabulous!

Also this month three of our BISS, Group Placing dogs made the Top Ten! Our Bred-by AMORE (a newly retired LUCKY girl), GCHG CH Sette’s To the Moon and Back at One Love, owned by Tina and two co-bred AMORE kids: VINNIE, shown and owned by Regina and sister VIVI, owned by Tina and shown by David.



May 2022

2003-2025 SCOLINY