As co-breeder of the Number One Longcoat and his Top 5 Littermate two years in a row, I cannot thank enough the handler extraordinaire of ‘Vinnie’, Ms. Erika Lanasa, who has made this dream come true for a ifabulous little dog and to David Welsh for ‘Vivie’s’ tremendous success! How’s that for a run on sentence?
Their dam is our beautiful “Amore’ who was quite a little show girl herself and so they are ‘LUCKY’ GRANKIDS!!!
Thank you Erika and Shea for all the hard work and to David. Once again, I thank you Erika, as you work giving it your ALL behind the scenes, when no one else is watching! You love that boy as you do all of your dogs!
Thank you to all the Judges who saw his potential and rewarded ‘VINNIE’ with 5 BIS and Multiple RBIS awards. An accomplishment I am truly grateful for, to all involved with nothing quite so fabulous after perusing this wonderful hobby of passion!
Congratulations to his rightful owner, him ‘mom’, Regina Keizer and to his team of owners Holly Maxwell, Deborah Bass Shindle, Shea O’Connell and Chandler Marks.
Last but not least, co-breeder Tina Bregman who has coveted Amore as her own!!!
‘VIVIE’ Group 4 x2 in Delaware!
’VINNIE’ in NJ, Wins Back to Back Group 2’s!
and Week Before a
Group 3 for ‘VIVIE’ in New Jersey!

Group 1 for ‘VINNIE’ in N. Carolina!
September 2023